Making a mess of your online files? Publist to the rescue!

Dave M
3 min readAug 9, 2019

Managing files online is a mess today. We are at a point where storage is no longer an issue. However, too many cloud storage platforms IS.

Why? Let me give you my example.

  • I store critical information and documents on Gmail by sending myself an email. Please don’t judge me! 😀
  • All my digital documents are spread across Google Drive, Dropbox, Slack & of course my SD card and my laptop’s HDD. 😏
  • Also, all the projects that I work on uses Trello. A bunch of docs are there as well. 😒

Bottom line, it’s one giant hell of a mess! Whenever I try to find a doc, it’s like finding a needle in a big, fat cloud haystack. 🤕

Now, I am a SaaS geek. I have an innate curiosity for SaaS products solving real life problems. Honestly, I didn’t find a good solution until Udit introduced me to Publist.

Okay, so what is Publist and why I am almost raving about it? 🤩

Publist is a SaaS product which helps you organize and bring together all your cloud data under one roof! It is used by organizations such as Lyft, Mozilla, & the Boston Globe.

A look from Publist

That’s it! That’s a big-ass pain-point a lot of us digital citizens face when we have 100s of GBs of data floating around God knows where.

Okay! I need to control myself and tell you what it actually does!

  • Universal cloud organization system: Get all your data from everywhere on the cloud under one single platform. Think of it as THE file manager for all your cloud docs.
  • Search everything from Publist: Don’t panic when you need to find a file. Just connect all the sources from where you need to get the files and search away from within Publist.
  • Easily make notes or edit documents: With Publist Pages, you can edit your existing documents or take notes seamlessly.
  • Connect Amazon S3 to power your cloud: Setup S3 buckets from your AWS account in minutes to take advantage of S3’s pay-as-you-go storage pricing.
  • Bring your team: Yes! You can invite your team members to collaborate with you on any folder or whatever you want to do.
  • State-of-the-art security: Publist secures data in transit and at rest with industry-standard encryption (AES-256). Publist’s backend is powered by the same infra providers which also powers the top SaaS software. Finally, frequent backups stored offsite make data practically impervious to interruption or loss.

Wait, there’s more…

Just check out their roadmap: Publist Roadmap

It’s freaking brilliant.

  • Advanced sorting
  • Advanced search functionality
  • Whitelabelling
  • A Desktop App
  • A Chrome extension

and many more!

Now, this is brilliant for me as this saves me at least 3 hours worth of business time which I waste searching for files here and there!

If I were you, I would just dive into Publist to make my life easier. And just for your information, PitchGround is running an LTD for Publist. I already bought it!

P.S.: I am not an affiliate of PitchGround or Publist. Just a great fan of an amazing SaaS in-the-making!

